21" Dancing Bear by Joanie Ragee *Punch*

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Joanie Ragee

$9,053.26 USD

Inuit art: Dancing Bear  
Inuit Artist: Joanie Ragee
Size: 21" across (18" vertical), 13" wide, 10" deep, 50 lbs
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 07/24
Stone: African Wonderstone
id: ndc-C1271066ajjjj

**This Item is Eligible for our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.

Masterpiece Sculpture! Museum quality Carving!

Punch is the most voluptuous Ragee Dancing bear I have seen to date.

This is a bear that could be heading to a cozy den and snuggling down to hibernate.

Even with Punch's ample size, this bear is still agile and flexible.

Punch balances on his right leg, his arms stretched out in front of him with his paws extended as if he is pushing against a wall.

Joanie has Punch positioned in the traditional Dancing bear stance with his nose pointed to the sky.


The Dancing bear is the most collected Inuit carving and for good reason.

People love the realistic style and the joy and spiritualism these bears possess.

Punch's stone colour is out of this world!

The cream colour stone is brushed with a luscious pastel orange.

The effect is breath taking. (and rare in Inuit carving)

I can guarantee you that Punch will be the Superstar of your collection!


We promise to send you only good things

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