13" Prowling Fox by Kellypalik Etidloie

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Kelly Etidloie

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Inuit art: Fox
Inuit Artist: Kellypalik Etidloi
Size: 13" long, 4" tall, 4" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine 
id: b-27058abejy

Etidloie, a distinct and versatile craftsman, approaches the abstract with his rendition of this divine walking Fox.

Here is another extraordinary sculpture by Etidloie.

In this piece, the artist has captured the salient aspects of the Fox; the fierce hunter and the stealthy warrior. The composition is charged with meaning. The animal seems to be moving forward in pursuit of its prey. He places each foot carefully and quietly so as not to arouse attention. The Fox normally keeps his head down at the same level as his back only raising it when he alerts.

Etidloie’s Fox is large and heavy. The texture and lines are masterfully carved. The stone is a gorgeous dark stone with green veins which radiates the secrets of the wolf’s heart. The subtle movements and detail of this Fox make it a premium world class carving.

Kellypalik has followed his innovative spirit and created this stunning beauty. When I saw this piece for the first time, I knew it was coming home with me.

Foxes are an uncommon subject for many Inuit carvers. The lines of this particular wolf are particularly sensual but also powerfully bold.

Kellypalik Etidloi (1966 - )

Kellypalik is the son of the well-known Cape Dorset artists Etidlooie and Kingmeata. His older brother, Etulu Etidlooie is also a carver.


1988 Die Kunst aus der Arktis, Inuit Galerie, Mannheim, Germany

1992 Sculpture Inuit, Canadian Guild of Crafts, Montreal, QC

1993 Sculpture and Graphics from Cape Dorset, Art Space Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

1993 Sculpture Inuit et Retrospective Pudlo Pudlat, Canadian Guild of Crafts, Montreal, QC

1993 The Theme of Transformation in Inuit Sculpture, The Isaacs/Innuit gallery, Toronto, ON

1994 Mythic Image, Ancestral Spirits Gallery, Port Townsend, WA

1994 Three Young Carvers from Cape Dorset and Drawings by Aoudla Pudlat, Albers Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1994 Kellypalik Etidlooie, Inuit Galerie, Mannheim, Germany

1995 Inuit Mythology, Arctic Experience, Hamilton, ON

1995 Miniaturen, Inuit Galerie, Mannheim, Germany

1996 Major-Minor, Marion Scott Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1996 Emerging Spirit, Banff Centre, organized by Northern Art Impressions, Banff, AB

1996 Sculpture Inuit, Canadian Guild of Crafts, Montreal, QC

1997 Stone & Bone, Inuit Master Carvers of the Canadian Arctic, Northwest Company, Sun Valley Centre, Ketchum ID

2000 Die Kunst aud der Arktis, Art in Stone, Canadian Artic Gallery, Basel, Switzerland

2001 Living Arctic, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, Vancouver, BC




Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, QC

The Arnold Aubert Vernon Inuit Collection of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA





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