10” Drum Dancer by Lucas Aaluk Gjoa Haven *Bang the Drum!*

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Lucas Aaluk

$1,042.95 USD

Inuit art: Drum Dancer
Inuit Artist: Lucas Aaluk
Size: 9" high, 7” wide, 2” deep
Community: Gjoa Haven, NU 21
Stone: Mudstone
id: c-140

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.

This is a gorgeous Drum Dancer carved with a soft caramel coloured  mudstone.

The stone has a liquidity that gives the illusion that if you touched it, it would be soft and "squishy" to touch.

This is a sensual piece of art.

Our enthusiastic Drum Dancer is singing and calling to the heavens.

He understands his importance and his celebrity. 

He has been entrusted with teaching his clan the history of their people and keeping the history alive.

This is a piece that vibrates with energy but at the same time there is a peacefulness that surrounds our Dancer.  

I love this Drum Dancer.  He is slightly offbeat and quirky!

If you love finding pieces that "march to the beat of their own drum", then this is your carving.

See our notes on The Gjoa Haven Collection.


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