8" Wolf by Pits Qimirpik *American Werewolf In Nunavut*

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Pits Qimirpik

$1,640.00 CAD

Inuit Art: Wolf
Inuit Artist: Pits Qimirpik
Size: 8" across, 6" high, 3" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 6/24
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-66630hjjy

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan

Masterpiece Carving! Marvelous Form!


American Werewolf in Nunavut could be your answer.

Pits Qimirpik is renowned for his never ending quest to produce carvings that tickle and amaze!

American Werewolf has the heart of an Arctic wolf and the personality of a Dorset sculpture. 

The artists from Dorset carve in a realistic style (the subject looks like the real animal) with a large dose of humour given to the piece.

American Werewolf has the thick powerful torso and tail of a wolf but he has unusually slim front legs which give him a comical look.

His facial features are intense but he also seems a bit unsure of himself.

Again, this fits the Dorset esthetic of lightheartedness.

Qimirpik is an international superstar.

His carving talent is exceptional.

Amerian Werewolf in Nunavut (my literary apology to American Werewolf in London) is both joyous and dramatic.

Are you making room for him?


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