5" Two Way Dancing Bear by Ottokie Samayualie *Splendour*

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Ottokie Samayualie

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Inuit art: Dancing Bear
Inuit Artist: Ottokie Samayualie
Size: 5" Tall, 3" Wide, 2.5" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 7/22
Stone: Serpentine 
id: dfa-NAL7831Pbhjy

Connoisseurs of Inuit carvings love Ottokie's Dancing bears.

They are captivated by his seemingly never ending ability to create hundreds of small Dancing bears that are fascinating and charismatic.

Splendour's colour is completely out of this world!

The stone exudes warmth and a deep awareness of nature's beauty.

Each Samayualie bear gives us the chance to escape to a place of boundless joy.  

What I have come to understand is that each Samayualie Dancing bear is a small treasure.


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