6" Arctic Dog and Snowball by Isaaci Petooloosie

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Isaaci Petaulassie

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Inuit art: Arctic Dog
Inuit Artist: Isaaci Petooloosie
Size: 6" long, 5.5" tall, 4" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine 
id: dfa-6946Ncjjy

 This is an adorable Snow dog rolling a snowball.

This is an adorable Snow dog rolling a snowball. Or? Is this pack leader holding court with his pack, fielding questions as he leans on his “podium”?

This sculpture is truly an Alpha dog in the making!

The glossy rich dark stone is the perfect medium to show off the no nonsense look on Petooloosie’s dog’s face.

At first glance, this art piece appears to be light hearted and quirky BUT astute collectors will appreciate the complex nature of this sculpture.

This carving would be an energetic and thought provoking addition to your collection or it could easily stand alone as an endearing art piece.


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