5" Diving Bear by Mosesee Pootoogook *Aquafresh*

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Mosesee Pootoogook

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Inuit art: Diving Bear
Inuit Artist:  Mosesee (Moe) Pootoogook
Size: 5" across (4" vertical), 3" wide, 2" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 9/23
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-7700Qcjjy

A Diving or Dancing bear is able to stand or balance on one hand. 

An artist like Moe has had years of experience on top of an innate talent for carving these incredibly difficult poses.

The bear must be able to balance on the feet and paws without tipping over!

Aquafresh is brash and fresh.

The colour is vivid and energetic and rare.


Lovingly carved, meticulous in execution and magnificent colour!


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