VINTAGE 12" Goose by Tukiki Manomie RCA *Stretch*

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Tukiki Manomie

$1,171.71 USD

Inuit art: Goose c. 1980 
Inuit Artist: Tukiki Manomie RCA (1952-2008)  
Size: 12" tall, 6" wide, 3" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU 7/23
Stone: Serpentine
id: caps-866003391gfhy

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.

Masterpiece Carving! Museum quality Sculpture!

Meeting Stretch was a thrilling moment.

When I come across a carving from a First Generation carver, I am transported back in time.

Tukiki Manomie (1952-2017) was one of the great First generation Master carvers.

He helped pioneer the Inuit art industry through the use of his beautiful illustrations and whimsical bird themes.

Stretch sits on the ground on his extremely long legs and feet. 

He has stretched his long, long neck high up in the air in order to survey his neighbourhood.

I love Tukiki's Modern style approach to this magnificent bird.

The dark rich stone and the never ending long and lanky lines are exquisite.

I love these first generation carvings that are so timeless they seem to have been carved just in the last few years.

Stretch is looking in your direction.

He sees a perfect spot for him in your Collection.


We promise to send you only good things

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